19 julio 2011


El actor William Levy dice que su relación con JLo ha sido "estrictamente profesional"
Se desvincula de la ruptura de Jennifer López y Marc Anthony en un breve comunicado

La relación que ha mantenido con Jennifer López ha sido "estrictamente profesional". Al menos es lo que asegura el actor cubano William Levy, a quien se le relaciona con la popular cantante tras su reciente ruptura con Marc Anthony.

Ante los rumores que lo sitúan como el nuevo novio de JLO, Levy ha emitido un comunicado en el que niega cualquier tipo de romance con la artista.

"Mis pensamientos están con Jennifer y Marc en este tiempo tan difícil. Mi relación con Jennifer ha sido estrictamente profesional. Los rumores que sugieren algo más personal son falsos e inexactos al cien por cien. Mis mejores deseos para ellos y su familia" ha sido el breve comunicado difundido por el actor


Actor William Levy says his relationship with JLo was "strictly professional"
Is decoupled from the breakdown of Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony in a brief statement

The relationship he had with Jennifer Lopez was "strictly professional." At least that is what ensures the Cuban actor William Levy, who is related to the popular singer after her recent split with Marc Anthony.

With rumors that place him as the new boyfriend of JLO, Levy issued a statement denying any romance with the artist.

"My thoughts are with Jennifer and Marc at this difficult time. My relationship with Jennifer has been strictly professional. The rumors suggest more are false and inaccurate staff one hundred percent. Best wishes to them and their family" has been the brief statement released by the actor

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